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Современные технологии использования песен на уроках английского языка

Канетова Фаузия Нигматуловна, учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ № 151 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Кировского р-на г. Казани


The instructions for the various activities used in this article are described below.

These activities for particular songs on the Traditional Songs and American Rhythms

Accompanying materials. For your reference, an index of song units that model each activity is provided at the end of each activity section. The index includes references to additional songs and song units, which are available online at americanenglish.state.gov.

Section 1: Pre-listening Activities

Listening to new songs presents unique challenges. Before listening to a song, teachers should prepare a student.

Pre-listening activities can

 introduce new words or phrases that students will hear in the song;

 activate students’ background knowledge about a particular topic so they can better predict what they will hear;

 introduce cultural references to help students understand the song;

 motivate students and spark interest in the song;

Pre-listening activities can be done in a variety of ways:

 class games or discussions based on particular topics;

 the presentation of new vocabulary, phrases, or grammar structures;

 the practice of prediction strategies based on key ideas;

 the use of pictures to increase interest in the song and offer visual clues to help students understand vocabulary and themes.

Included below are 2 pre-listening general activities that you can adapt to almost any song.

Pre-listening 1: Four Corners

Pre-listening 2: One Title, Several Words – Many Possibilities

Pre-listening 1: Four Corners

Purpose: To generate interest in the song, express opinions, and make choices about controversial ideas/statements

Level: 2 and above Time: 15 – 20 minutes

Note to the teacher: This activity requires enough space for students to move around easily.

Preparation and Materials: Prepare three to five controversial statements related to the theme of the song with which students can agree or disagree. Label four corners or areas of the classroom with posters or signs that say

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


1. Write one of the controversial statements on the board. Example:

Women can do physical work just as well as men.

2. Ask all the students to walk to and stand in the corner that matches how they feel about that statement.

3. Once everyone is in a corner, ask students to share with the others in the same corner why they feel that way about the statement. After small group discussions, each corner can then explain to the rest of the class the various reasons why their group feels this way.

4. Repeat the procedure for each of the prepared controversial statements.


A. + time Choose several lines from the song and write controversial statements

that correspond to those lines. Write the controversial statements on

the board and follow Steps 1 – 4 above. After listening to the song,

write the corresponding line from the song next to each controversial

statement. Follow up with a discussion.

B. - difficulty Instead of controversial statements, use topics, activities, or objects

that students may like or dislike. Topics can relate to music in general

or to specific themes in the song. Use emotive words to label the

corners of the room. Examples:

Really Like! Like Don’t Like Yuck!

C. + difficulty Use multiple-choice questions that have four answers and label the

corners of the room A, B, C, and D. Ask students to stand in the corner

that matches their preferred response. The topics of the questions can

relate to music in general or to specific themes in the song. Example:

Which type of music is the best?

A. Classical B. Rap C. Pop D. Rock

D. + large classes

- space

- movement

- time

Ask students to respond by raising their hands or holding up cards with

their choices. Then select a few students to explain their answers.

E. - difficulty

+ materials

+ pictures

Instead of controversial statements, write the title of the song on the

board. Find four large pictures that relate in some way to the title or

theme of the song, and hang them in four places in the room. Have

students read the song title and choose which picture represents the

title or possible themes in the song. Ask them to explain their choice.

After they listen to the song, allow them to change their opinion.



Modifications (continued)

F. + extension

+ groups

+ difficulty

+ writing

+ time

Instead of controversial statements, write the title of the song on the

board. Divide the class into four groups and ask each group to write on

large posters or sheets of paper one or two sentences predicting what

the song will be about. Hang the four predictions in the corners of the

classroom. Tell students to go to the corner with the prediction that they

think is most accurate. After listening to the song, hold a class

discussion to discuss which prediction was most accurate.

Pre-listening 2: One Title, Several Words — Many Possibilities

Purpose: To predict the content, generate interest, and introduce vocabulary for the song

Level: All Time: 15 – 20 minutes, plus the length of the song

Note to the Teacher: If students make predictions in their first language because they do not have the vocabulary to express themselves, you may wish to teach them some keywords. However, limit the number of new words to approximately five to eight. (+ time)

Preparation and Materials: Write the title of the song on the board. Select five key content words from the song. Students will use these words to generate predictions about the song.


1. Tell students that the line on the board is the title of a song that they are going to listen to. Explain

any of the words in the title that students may not know.

2. Ask students to guess what the song is about. Appoint individual students or invite all students to

call out ideas. Write their ideas on the board.

3. Write on the board the five key content words that you pre-selected from the song. Ask students if they want to change their predictions. Write any new ideas on the board.

4. After listening to the song, ask students to check whether their predictions were correct.


A. + groups

+ writing

+ time

Divide students into groups of four or five. Ask them to discuss and

write down their predictions. Then ask each group to share their ideas

with the whole class.

B. - difficulty

+ scaffolding

Write the song title on the board along with question words relevant to

the song. Provide simple, short answers to these questions, and get

students to suggest the plot or theme of the song. Example (for On Top

of Old Smokey):

Who? Someone in love

Where? On top of a mountain

What? She lost her true lover

C. - difficulty

+ scaffolding


+ groups

Write the song title on the board along with question words that are

relevant to the song (not all words will be relevant for every song):

Who? Where? What? Why? When?

Ask students to think of a brief response (as in Modification B) that

predicts what will happen in the song.



Modifications (cont.)

D. + difficulty

+ questions

+ time

Repeat the process in Modification C above, but this time ask students

to think of a Wh-question and then predict the answer to the question.

Example: Students might have these questions:

Who will be the main character in the song?

Where will the song take place?

What will happen in the song?

Why will this happen?

When will the action take place?

E. + groups

+ time

+ art

Ask students to draw a picture of what the song might be about. Divide

the students into groups of four or five so they can share their pictures

and predictions with their group.

F. - difficulty

+ materials

+ pictures

Prepare large pictures that represent the keywords to help students

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